RinGol: The combination of a ring and a goal. A cooperative and inclusive sport.

It was invented by a group of PE teachers with the intention of creating at alternative for pupils who have difficulty participating in competitive sport. It was born out of a real demand in class to have a greater level of participation in physical activity from more students and to promote sport for certain children with sporting difficulties both in and out of school. The sport unites essential elements of a variety of popular sports including: football, basketball, volleyball, handball and rugby.

RinGol: Is a sport that is played with two strokes maximum (per player) on a rectangular pitch, between 2 mixed teams of either 7 or 8 players. The objective is to score points by shooting the ball in either the opponents goal or ring. Players can hit /pass the ball using any part of the body except the head and fist and they cannot hold the ball inside the opponent’s area.

Essential equipment: a ring of 60 cm in diameter fixed onto the crossbar of each goal.

20 basic rules:

1. Objective: Score in the opposing ring or goal.

2. Official ball: is a plastic, circular, bouncy ball with a circumference of 65 cm, weighing 200 grams.

3. Player numbers according to age. Primary school 8-12 years: 8 players. Secondary school 12-16 years: 7 players.

4. Dimentions of playing area: A rectangle of 40 m in length by 20 m in width.

5. Goalsize:  6m diameter.


6.  Game time according to age:

  • Primary (8-12) 2 halves of 15 minutes with a 5 minute break.
  • Secondary (12-18) 2 halves of 15 minutes with a 5 minute break.
  • Adults (18+) 2 halves of 20 minutes with a 5 minute break

7. Game: Each player can hit the ball up to two consecutive times intentionally, unless the player receives the ball inside the opposing goal area where the ball can then be caught with one or two hands. The player may then pivot on one foot and jump if desired with the objective of throwing the ball through the ring to score. If the ball enters the goal however it is not valid and the opposing team restart the game with a goal throw out.


8. Restarts:

  • Game start: With one foot in the centre circle the ball must be held with 2 hands and thrown towards your own half.
  • Goal restart: Can be taken with feet or two hands. The goal keeper is the only one who can take goal restarts which are taken within the 6m goal area. The rest of the players must remain outside this area for the restart. Once the ball is outside the area the game continues.
  • Sides and corners: Can be taken with feet or 2 hands.
  • Foul: Is taken from the point of the infraction. One player must pass to a team mate who then hits or kicks the ball (upwards) in order to restart play. The distance between the 2 players shouldn’t exceed 1.5 m. The players do not need to await the referee’s whistle to restart the game.
  • Neutral restart: In case of interruption to the game, the referee will throw the ball up to restart the game. This throw up can be contestedby 1 player of each team who must wait until the ball has bounced before playing the ball.

9. Restart Rotation: (recommendation, no obligation) every player should take a restart throw or kick by rotation before repeating a player.

10. Goals cannot be scored direct from a restart except from fouls.

11. Distance for defenders: 3 m unless it is a goal restart in which case players remain outside the 6 m goal area.


12.  Hittingtheball.

  • You may with the ball with any part of the body except the head and fist during the game. This action does not include an unintentional strike with any other part of the body.
  • Kicking: the ball may be kicked (without using the point of the foot) with or without a bounce. The kick must have an upward trajectory an if not it is a technical foul where the opposing team regains possession from where the infraction was committed.
  • Players can kick the ball (in an upward direction) during the game except in the goal keeper´s area. The goal keeper in contrast can kick the ball in this area to defend an attack.
  • The ball may be kicked for any type of game restart.

13.  Shots at the ring.
Outside the area. You can shoot from anywhere as long as it is with only one hit.
In the area. Holding the ball with one or two hands and pivoting on one foot, players may jump and throw the ball towards the ring with a maximum period of 5 seconds to carry out this movement.
After throwing at the ring no one from the attacking team can touch the ball until an opposing player has touched it or there is a rebound from the goal or ring.

14.  Defending the ring:
The defender can defend without touching the attacker or the ball intentionally. Moreover, the defender must respect the frontal plane and the vertical axis of the pitcher. If a defender scores an own goal then the opposing team receive 1 point, or 2 if it’s an own ‘ring goal’. Defenders cannot pass the goal line and defend behind the ring.


15.  GoalKeeper:

  • The goal keeper can move anywhere in their own half. If they pass the halfway line it is deemed a foul and game restart for the opposing team from the centre of the pitch.
  • The goal keeper can catch or hold the ball with 2 hands within the goal area as long as it hasn’t resulted from a foul, throw/kick-in or corner. They have 5 seconds to play the ball. If they take more than this time they will be sanctioned with a penalty for the opposing team.
  • You may only use your feet in the goal keeping area to defend against a shot or to start an attacking move as along as the kick is in an upward direction.
  • The goal keeper is the only player permitted to take goal kick/throws.
  • In case of a goal keeping infringement a technical foul Will be called in favour of the opposing team, taken from the centre of the pitch.
  • The goal keeper isn’t present for penalties.
  • The person who takes on the position of goalkeeper must no be any taller than 1.80 m. This means that any person taller than his heihgt cannot be goalkeeper. (Recommendation, no obligation). This rule is to avoid unfairness as the goalkeeper´s height will aid him/her to stop any goals more effectively without having to try very hard.

16.  A penalty is awarded if:

  • A foul occurs within the goal keeping area.
  • A defending player, inside his goal area, intentionally hits the ball with any part of his body more than twice consecutively, catches it or kicks it.
  • The defender intentionally touches the body or ball of the attacker during an attacking throw at goal.
  • The goalkeeper doesn’t release the ball within 5 seconds.

17. Taking a penalty: A throw, holding the ball with 2 hands, at the ring, behind the 4m line (8-12 year olds) or 5m line (12+ years). The rest of the players must stay 3m behind the ball until the throw has been taken.
The throw isn’t defended by the goal keeper.
After a penalty throw the game is restarted with a goal kick/throw.


18. Scoring:
Team’s get 1 goal for scoring in the goal and 2 goals for scoring in the ring except penalty shots which are awarded with only 1 goal.
Points rewarded at the end of a game:
3 points: winningteam
2 points for each team in case of a draw.
1 point: losingteam


19. Sanctions:

  • Verbal infraction: The referee will warn the player of poor conduct.
  • Yellow card offences: if a foul is intentionally aggressive or dangerous. 2 yellows will result in the player being sent off.
  • Red card offences: serious sporting misconduct. Players will be sent off directly.
  • If a player is sent off they can no longer participate in what remains of the game. They can, however be replaced by another player.

20.  Adaptations for players with reduced mobility.
RinGol is an inclusive sport and therefore if a player has a disability which requires a wheel chair or walking frame the following adaptations will be taken into account:

  • Preferential zone.

The player will have a preferential zone on the pitch with a length of 5 m and width of 20 m, which allows them to take all of the game restarts (either from the wings or from fouls) within that zone. (The throw in rotation does not apply in this zone).

Given that the player, to move about the pitch, may need to push themselves using their hands (using a wheel chair, walking frame or walking on all fours) which gives them a natural disadvantage, the following adaptations will be taken into account:

  • Golpeo del balón/ Hitting the ball

If the player with reduced mobility plays the ball they may do so in 2 ways:

  • Hitting the ball directly.
  • Indirect hit: they may receive the ball and then hit (giving them special exemption to the 1 hit rule)
  • Safety distances.

If the ball passes within approximately 1.5 m of the player and they show an intention of playing the ball but don’t succeed, another player may take the ball and pass it to the player with reduced mobility so that they may continue the play.  The opposition cannot touch the ball until at least one member of the team (with the player of reduced mobility) has played the ball after the disabled player’s hit. If an opposition player touches the ball it will result in a technical foul.
There is a maximum of one reduced mobility player per team.